Well Being
4 minutes run hard enough to push heart rate to 90%, 3 minutes recover, repeat 4 times
- Resting less than 2 minutes increases cortisol production and worsens the T:C ratio, which is related to muscle growth.
- Training each muscle at least twice a week is necessary for maximum muscle growth.
- The traditional bro bodybuilding idea of the hypertrophy zone (6-12 reps) is not supported by evidence.
- Training with a wide range of rep ranges may result in more muscle growth than always sticking with 8-12 reps per set.
- Training to volitional interruption is just as effective for muscle growth as training to complete momentary muscle failure.
- Training to failure can be beneficial, but your total training volume is what matters most.
- High carb diets are popular among bodybuilders, but it makes it hard to see if you're looking bigger because of your training or because of your higher carb intake.
- Training intensity is confusingly defined as the percentage of your one repetition maximum (% 1RM) with which you're training.
Study finds mushrooms magnify memory by boosting nerve growth
As someone who has been very interested in diet and health from many perspectives, be it general health and wellness when I was younger, competitive cycling and rowing, and more recently competitive bodybuilding, I have come to a tragically bland conclusion.
Every day it seems like there's a new study about a new food that will revolutionize XYZ. Meanwhile, most people don't sleep well, dont drink enough water, overindulge in alcohol, don't get enough excercise, and don't get much sunlight.
I think it should be everyone's primary focus to sleep well, drink water, get outside, get active, and eat generally decently. The huge cognitive and physical gains that would come from these basic activities far surpass any marginal benefit from optimization. I hate to say it, but if you're not eating a good amount of vegetables and fruit, decent protein, sleep, etc, no amount of mushrooms will catch up to that detriment.
Now if these fundementals are in place, findings like this are truly fascinating! I just see so many people put the cart before the horse far too often.
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