

Webview Case


  • WebP is so great… except it’s not

    WebP was more prone to posterization and artifacts, especially on photos with smooth gradients.
    For similar visual quality on a portrait photo, WebP was actually 30-39% heavier than JPEG.
    WebP is not necessarily better than JPEG for all photographic use cases.

  1. 7 Web Component Tricks
  2. Accessibility
  3. Dialogs, modality and popovers seem similar. How are they different?
  4. Exploring Declarative Shadow DOM
  5. HTMX
  6. HTMX is the Future
  7. Inclusively Hidden
  8. Misc
  9. One Game, By One Man, On Six Platforms: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
  10. Optimal Images in HTML
  11. Populating the page: how browsers work
  12. SEO
  13. Scroll
  14. The web is a harsh manager
  15. Web Performance
  16. Web Security
  17. Web dev tools
  18. Your Website’s URLs Can and Should Be Beautiful