Web Performance


  1. CDN caching isn't the performance boost it used to be
  2. Cache your CORS, for performance & profit
  3. Correctly Configure (Pre) Connections
  4. Critical rendering Path
  5. Don't fight the browser preload scanner
  6. Get All That Network Activity Under Control with Priority Hints
  7. How Does Dan Abramov Optimize beta.reactjs.org After Be Complained about Website Speed?
  8. Making the Web Faster with Service Workers and Performance Research
  9. Optimizing images for mobile browsers with a UX mindset
  10. Populating the page: how browsers work
  11. Prevent unnecessary network requests with the HTTP Cache
  12. Web performance tools
  13. WebAssembly: TinyGo vs Rust vs AssemblyScript
  14. Why Your Website Should Be under 14kb in Size
  15. λ¦¬μ†ŒμŠ€ μš°μ„ μˆœμœ„ - preload, preconnect, prefetch