
Often doesn't work in practice. I cannot instantly distinguish

• ‖ from ligated ||

• … from ligated ...

• ⁂ from ligated ***

• ⁇ from ligated ??

• → from ligated ->

• ↜ from ligated <~

• ↠ from ligated ->>

• ⇒ from ligated =>

• ⇔ from ligated <=>

• ⇜ from ligated <~~

• ∨ from ligated \/

• ∷ from ligated ::

• ≔ from ligated :=

• ≠ from ligated !=

• ≤ from ligated <=

• ≪ from ligated <<

• ⊢ from ligated |-

• ⋄ from ligated <>

• ⋘ from ligated <<<

• ◁ from ligated <|

• ⩵ from ligated ==

• × from ligated x with hex digits following

& al., but I have to examine the characters in kcharselect, a REPL or similar.

With monospaced fonts, as used in programming, the ligatures take up 2 or more "spaces", but the special characters only take up one space.

It’s an opinion. About typography. I can’t understand having an opinion that another person shouldn’t have whatever opinion about typography they want.