
Tota11y is a browser utility to visualise the most widespread web accessibility errors in a non overwhelmingly-techy way.

To help you do a quick check of a web page for the most common accessibility errors, we have a visual tool called Tota11y. It won't catch every problem, but it will catch the most common problems that we find on Babylon sites, and highlights them in your browser window, so you can check pages while you're editing content, before they ever go live.

Drag this link to your Firefox/ Chromium/ Safari bookmarks bar:

[Tota11y](javascript:(function()%7Bvar tota11y%3Ddocument.createElement(%27SCRIPT%27)%3Btota11y.type%3D%27text/javascript%27%3Btota11y.src%3D%27

javascript:(function()%7Bvar tota11y%3Ddocument.createElement(%27SCRIPT%27)%3Btota11y.type%3D%27text/javascript%27%3Btota11y.src%3D%27

Clicking this button in your bookmarks bar will summon Tota11y to the bottom left of the webpage you're currently on. (You may have to accept cookies or otherwise dismiss any banners that appear on the bottom of the page if they are obscuring the Tota11y icon.)