


How to Use nextTick() in Vue

If you don't supply the callback argument to Vue.nextTick() or this.$nextTick(): then the functions would return a promise that's being resolved when DOM is updated.
Using this with an async/await syntax makes the code more readable than the callbacks approach.

await this.$nextTick()
console.log(, this.$refs.content)

How to wait for a browser re-render? Vue.nextTick doesn't seem to cover it, and setTimeout(..., 0) is not good enough.

await this.$nextTick()

리포트 데이터를 테이블로 그리는 탭을 띄우고 바로 인쇄를 호출 했을 때, 테이블 내용이 모두 렌더링 되지 않은 상태에서 인쇄 상태로 전환됨.
해서 DOM에 해당 데이터가 업데이트 됐는지 cockatiel를 통해 polling으로 확인 후 nextTick으로 인쇄 시도 했는데 역시 렌더링이 완료 안된 상태로 진행 됨. DOM 적용과 rendering 시간차가 꽤 되는 듯

this.$nextTick(window.print) // no rendering completed

위 code와 동일한 걸로 보이는 vue issue link에 나온 다음 code로는 잘 됨.

await this.$nextTick()
window.print() // rendering completed

double requestAnimationFrame

다음 2 링크도 흥미로움.
setTimeout 0은 안되고 25가 되는 이유.



Vue.filter("USD", (value) => {
  if (typeof value !== "number") throw "value must be number"

  const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-IN", {
    style: "currency",
    currency: "USD",
    minimumFractionDigits: 2,
  return formatter.format(value)

use in template

{{ price | USD}}

use in javascript


About event

Vue Prevent form submit when pressing enter inside form

You can prevent submission on enter key down just annotating the top-level form.

<form @submit.prevent="handleLogin" @keydown.enter="$event.preventDefault()" />

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  3. Have You Mastered These 9 Vue Techniques
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  6. What is the difference between ref, toRef and toRefs