

Why doesn't advice work? - from efitz

  1. It doesn't matter what your title is, how much expert education, training, or experience you have, or even what hard lessons that you have learned: you are not an "expert" in an area unless you are invited in as an "expert". Put another way, unsolicited advice is unwelcome.

  2. Smart people want to solve their own problems. Don't offer solutions. No one will feel empowered or much of a sense of accomplishment implementing your solution. Instead tell them the challenges that they will face for various options and let them draw their own conclusions.

  3. Your spouse just wants to vent, UNLESS they say "fix it" in which case they want you to fix it, where "fix" means "make it act like I want it to". Your spouse does not want to know how it works so that they can fix it themselves next time, and their mental model is wrong and they don't care to correct it. Just listen, figure out what they want and do it yourself, and do it again next time even though it interrupted you and they could have fixed it themself.

철학자가 말하는 인간관계 핵심 2가지

  • Kant revolutionized Western philosophy by destroying the idea of absolute common sense and arguing that the focus should be on analyzing the subject (perspective of the observer) rather than the object.
  • We each view the world through our own unique perspective based on our experiences and biases. There are no universal truths or correct answers.
  • Interpersonal relationships are often based on superficial advice that doesn't lead to real understanding or communication between individuals.
  • Wittgenstein argued that all communication and interaction is based on "language games" that involve specific contexts, emotions, and meanings beyond just words.
  • To have genuine understanding, we must try to grasp the intentions and perspectives of others rather than make assumptions.
  • Some people use justifications like "the world made me this way" to avoid responsibility, but we should seek to understand their perspective without condoning harmful actions.
  • Developing empathy, self-awareness of biases, and listening skills can help improve interpersonal relationships and resolve conflicts.
  • Individuals who think outside rigid frameworks have changed society by pursuing their own visions.
  • Art like Picasso's paintings show there are no fixed or single correct ways of viewing something.
  • Communication is a skill that requires practice understanding others' emotions and intentions through "language games".

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