The Power of Currying

What is Currying

A curried function is a function that keeps returning functions until all its params are fulfilled

How Currying Works

Why Currying

Currying will make our code:

  1. Cleaner
  2. Less repetitive params passing and less verbose code
  3. More composable
  4. More reusable

Why Currying Makes our Code Better

Mainly, some functions take “config” data as input

If we have functions that take “config” params, we better curry them because these “configs” will probably be repeated over and over again.

If we have functions that take “config” params, we better curry them because these “configs” will probably be repeated over and over again. For example, let’s suppose we have a translator function, that takes a locale and a text to be translated:

const translator = (locale, text) => {

The usage would look like this:

translator("fr", "Hello")
translator("fr", "Goodbye")
translator("fr", "How are you?")

Every time we call translator we should provide locale and text. Which is redundant and dirty to provide the locale on every call. But instead, let’s curry translator like this:

const translator = curry((locale, text) => {
const inFrench = translator("fr")

Now inFrench has fr as locale provided to the curried translator function and waits for text to be provided. We can use it like this:

inFrench("How are you?")

Currying did us a great favour indeed, we don’t need to specify the locale each time, instead the curried inFrench has locale due to currying. After currying -in this specific example. Code is:

  1. Cleaner
  2. Less verbose and less redundant Because we separated “config” from actual “data”. Which is quite handy in many areas and use cases.

Why separate “config” from “data” params?

Many components and functions need the use of some functionalities (translate in our case) but shouldn’t or can’t know about the “config” part (locale). Where these components or functions have the “data” only part (text). So these functions will be able to use that function without the need of knowing about the “config” part.

Thus, that component or function will be less coupled with the system, which will make the components more composable and more maintainable.

When do we apply this idea

Closure and Currying Relationship

A Closure: is a function returned by a “parent” function and has access to the parent function’s internal state. (described earlier here) Currying: will always result a closure. Because each function returned by a curried function will be provided with parents’ internal state.

More Examples