Building Software Together

Our aim is to teach you how to be a compassionate programmer: one who cares as much about the well-being of their colleagues and users as they do about their own. This focus is not entirely altruistic—everything you do to help others also helps your future self—but now that we all know how much harm software can do, we hope you'll be interested in some practical idealism.

  1. Introduction
  2. The Important Stuff
  3. Starting
  4. Teams
  5. How to Talk People Into Things
  6. Managing Conflict
  7. Using Git On Your Own
  8. Using Git Together
  9. Intellectual Property
  10. Communicating
  11. Testing
  12. Software Design
  13. Security
  14. Error Handling
  15. Debugging
  16. Automation
  17. Tooling
  18. How to Make Yourself Comfortable
  19. Process
  20. How to Join an Existing Project
  21. How to Welcome Newcomers
  22. Research
  23. How to be a Good Research Partner
  24. Fair Play
  25. How to Handle Being Fired
  26. Wrapping Up
  27. How to Hand Over and Move On
  28. Conclusion

  1. Chapter 1: Introduction
  2. Chapter 2: The Important Stuff
  3. Chapter 3: Starting
  4. Chapter 9: Intellectual Property
  5. Process
  6. Tooling
