When Does React Render Your Component?



  • React (re)renders your component when:
    • there is a state update scheduled by your component
      • including updates scheduled by custom hooks your component consumes
    • the parent component got rendered and your component doesn’t meet the criteria for bailing out on re-rendering, where all these four conditions have to be satisfied at the same time:
      • Your component has been rendered before i.e. it already mounted
      • No props (referentially) changed
      • No any context value consumed by your component changed
      • Your component itself didn’t schedule an update
  • You probably shouldn’t need to worry about seemingly unnecessary re-renders until it becomes a performance issue. Check out the flow chart I made for solutions you can adopt when a performance issue occurs.

Disclaimer: I haven't used React's concurrent mode so some parts of this post might not be applicable in concurrent React.