• Modern PHP
    • Array destructuring (v7.1)
    • Spread operator within arrays (v7.4) & (v8.1)
    • Match expressions (v8.0)
    • Enumerations (enums) (v8.1)
    • Arrow functions (v7.4)
    • Named parameters (v8.0)
    • Null coalescing operator (v7.0)
    • Null coalescing assignment operator (v7.4)
    • Null-safe operator (v8.0)
    • Spaceship operator (v7.0)
    • Multi catch exception handling (v7.1)
    • str_starts_with, str_ends_with, str_contains (v8.0)
    • Return Types (v7.0)
    • Union types (v8.0)
    • Null and Void return types (v7.1)
    • Never return type (v8.1)
    • Grouped imports (v7.0)
    • Constructor property promotion (v8.0)
    • WeakMaps (v8.0)
  • PHP - The Right Way

  1. Snippets