


  • Dioxus is a portable, performant, and ergonomic framework for building cross-platform user interfaces in Rust.

Was Rust Worth It?

While Rust allows creating reliable software, its steep learning curve, rigid structure, and issues with async code can present roadblocks.

kuon's opinion

I wrote a lot of rust, but after some years it still feels unproductive. I do a lot of zig now and I am like 10 times more productive with it. I can just concentrate on what I want to code and I never have to wonder what tool or what library to use.

I know rust gives memory safety and how important that is, but the ergonomic is really bad. Every time I write some rust I feel limited. I always have to search libraries and how to do things. I cannot just "type the code".

Also the type system can get out of control, it can be very hard to actually know what method you can call on a struct.

I still think rust is a great tool, and that it solves tons of problem. But I do not think it is a good general purpose language.

ostenning's opinion

Opposite experience for me. Writing Rust on embedded systems greatly improved my confidence and speed. When using C a small mistake often leads to undefined behaviour and headaches. Rust theres none of that - its been a game changer for me.

  1. I love building a startup in Rust. I wouldn't pick it again.