
Why it's essential to excel at the things AI excels at

  • Learning areas that AI excels in, like coding, English, design and data, will provide more opportunities as these are fields where AI is commonly utilized.
  • Relying entirely on external support and outsourcing prevents one from developing self-awareness, confidence and resilience to overcome challenges.
  • Gaining expertise in an AI-strong domain allows one to effectively lead AI-assisted innovations and make the most of AI capabilities.
  • Information alone is insufficient - one must make connections between concepts internally through understanding.
  • Insights emerge from linking disparate ideas, which only occurs through internal reflection not external instruction.
  • Wisdom develops from accumulating insights over time through dedicated study.
  • Specializing in an AI field builds an expertise level others rely on, while AI supports less skilled roles.
  • Psychologically, self-learning builds identity, willpower and problem-solving skills.
  • Opportunities arise from innovating where AI supports human strengths, not replacing them.
  • Mastery requires climbing from foundations, so comprehensively studying AI domains leads to leadership.

  1. A Completely Non-Technical Explanation of AI and Deep Learning